Hmong Parents & HIP Organizers Ready to Serve on Local Education Committees

LCAP Advisory Committee Members Phoua Lee (SBA Parent) & Mai Yang Vang (HIP Organizer)LCAP Advisory Committee Members Phoua Lee (SBA Parent) & Mai Yang Vang (HIP Organizer)

LCAP Advisory Committee Members Phoua Lee (SBA Parent) & Mai Yang Vang (HIP Organizer)

HIP is proud to announce that two local Hmong parents and three HIP organizers will serve on Sacramento City Unified School District’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Parent Advisory Committee and English Learner (EL) LCAP Advisory Committee.

The LCAP Parent Advisory Committee and EL Advisory Committee are charged with reviewing the District’s overall vision for students, annual goals and specific actions the District will take to achieve the vision and goal. Susan B. Anthony Elementary parent Phoua Lee was appointed by Boardmember Diana Rodriguez and HIP Organizer Jonathan Tran was appointed by Boardmember Gustavo Arroyo to serve on the LCAP Advisory Committee. HIP Organizers Mai Yang Vang, Laura Vu and parent Leng Cha were each appointed to serve on the EL Advisory Committee—a subcommittee specifically focused on highlighting priorities for English Learners and their families.

Last year, despite being the only Southeast Asian American on the Advisory committee, former HIP Organizer Sue Vang worked with Latino and Hmong English Learner parents to help provide specific recommendations to the Board on how to invest more resources to improve academic achievement for English Learner students.


Read last year's LCAP Recommendations

I’ve come to realize through this process is that it is not enough to just to advocate for my own children. By being more involved, parents can help improve conditions for all kids and raise the bar throughout the District.

— Phoua Lee, Susan B. Anthony Parent

This year, HIP Organizers and our Hmong parents hope to build on last year’s work and raise the level of parent engagement on the LCAP throughout the District. As Phoua Lee describes, “As a parent, obviously I want what’s best for my kids. What I’ve come to realize through this process is that it is not enough to just to advocate for my own children. By being more involved, parents can help improve conditions for all kids and raise the bar throughout the District.” HIP Organizer Jonathan Tran adds, “It is a lot easier to sit on the sidelines and lament about disparities in the education system. HIP believes that the community must become active participants in making sure dollars are spent in the classroom to uplift students that need the most support.”

Like last year, HIP is asking for your help and feedback about what you think the District’s priorities should be. To stay up-to-date about HIP’s on-going parent engagement work, we invite you to join HIP’s Parent Engagement Network.

Both Advisory Committees meet monthly and meetings are open to the public. 


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